The Flash (2023) Movie Plot:
“The Flash” from 2023 is a movie made by four big companies: Warner Bros. Pictures, Double Dream, DC Studios, and the Disco Factory. It’s about a superhero named Barry Allen. In this movie, Barry tries to fix things from the past, but he faces a lot of problems doing it.
How the Movie Was Made:
This movie took about 30 years to plan and make. It is the 13th movie in a series called the DC Extended Universe (or DCEU for short). A man named Andy Muschietti directed it, and a woman named Christina Hodson wrote the story. Before them, many people tried to make the movie but left because they didn’t agree on things. They started filming the movie in April 2021. The story was inspired by a famous comic book called “Flashpoint”. The movie was shown to people for the first time in June 2023. Some people liked the funny parts, the action, and the actors. But some people didn’t like some parts of the movie, so it didn’t make a lot of money in theaters.
The Story in the Movie:
The movie tells the story of Barry Allen. At the beginning, Barry, Bruce Wayne, and Diana Prince stop bad guys from stealing things. But Barry is very sad because his mother died a long time ago, and people wrongly said his father did it. Because he’s so sad, Barry uses his super speed to go back in time to try and stop his mother from dying.
But, changing the past can make things different in the present. Barry finds himself in a different 2013 where his parents are alive. But, there’s another Barry there from that time, on the day he became The Flash. The present-day Barry makes sure the 2013 Barry gets his superpowers, but then he loses his own powers. Also, there’s a big problem. A bad guy named General Zod wants to attack. And Barry can’t find his superhero friends to help. So, he looks for Bruce Wayne. Instead of finding a young Bruce, he finds an older one. He also finds a superhero girl named Kara Zor-El (or Supergirl) who is trapped in a cold place called Siberia.
In this new world, another bad event happened. Zod had killed Superman when he was just a baby, and now Supergirl is very important to Zod’s plans. Even though Bruce tries to stop Zod, he can’t. Things get very intense. There are two Barrys, and a very surprising older and angry Barry appears, called the Dark Flash.
The most important part of the movie is when the 2013 Barry decides to give up his life to stop the Dark Flash and save the world. Then, the original Barry goes back to fix the past. He still feels sad about his mother, but he changes a small thing so that his father isn’t blamed anymore.
When Barry comes back to his time, he sees that things are different again. He meets Bruce Wayne, who also looks different because of what Barry did in the past.
⭐IMDB Rating: 6.9/10⭐
Cast & Crew
Produced by
Michael Disco | … | producer (produced by) (p.g.a.) |
Toby Emmerich | … | executive producer |
Walter Hamada | … | executive producer |
Marianne Jenkins | … | executive producer |
Michael Lerman | … | co-producer |
Richard Mirisch | … | co-producer |
Barbara Muschietti | … | producer (produced by) (p.g.a.) |
Galen Vaisman | … | executive producer |
Music by
Benjamin Wallfisch | … | (music by) |
Cinematography by
Henry Braham | … | director of photography |
Editing by
Jason Ballantine | … | (edited by) |
Paul Machliss | … | (edited by) |