An Action Hero (2022) Movie Plot:
“In 2022, there was a Hindi film named “An Action Hero” which was directed by a newcomer, Anirudh Iyer. This film had Ayushmann Khurrana and Jaideep Ahlawat as its main stars. At the heart of the story is Maanav, a guy who is famous for his roles in action-packed movies. One day, while shooting a scene in Haryana, something unexpected happens. Maanav, by mistake, ends up hurting Vicky Solanki. Vicky’s brother, who is very upset about this, decides to chase Maanav, and he doesn’t stop until he reaches the UK, where Maanav has gone to hide. Maanav then spends a lot of time trying to prove that he didn’t mean to harm Vicky. But just as he is trying to clear his name, he gets into even more trouble. A very scary man named Katkar kidnaps him. What Katkar wants is very unusual; he asks Maanav to dance at a big party. The film reaches a very exciting part when Maanav has to stand up and fight against Bhoora, Vicky’s brother, and also Katkar’s gang. Once all the action settles down, Maanav finds a clever way to come back to his home in India. When he arrives, people cheer for him like he’s a big hero. Even though the film had a lot of drama and action, not many people went to watch it in theaters. But, some movie reviewers said it was a good movie and praised it.
A Closer Look at the Story:
Maanav is someone who many people recognize because he acts in action films. While working on a new film in Haryana, he accidentally causes harm to Vicky. Vicky’s brother, Bhoora, becomes very angry when he finds out. He decides he won’t rest until he finds Maanav, so he follows him to the UK. With rumors flying around, many think that Maanav hurt Vicky on purpose. Because of this, Maanav starts searching for evidence to show he’s innocent. Just when he thinks things can’t get worse, they do. Katkar, a man with bad intentions, captures him. This man has a weird wish; he wants to see Maanav dance at a family event. Things heat up when there’s a huge fight between Maanav, Bhoora, and Katkar’s team. After a lot of twists and turns, Maanav thinks of a smart plan. He uses this plan to return to India safely. When he steps out at the airport in Mumbai, a big crowd is waiting, and they all cheer for him.”
⭐IMDB Rating: 7.1/10⭐
Cast & Crew
Produced by
Nitin Dalvi | … | line producer |
Kanupriya | … | co-producer |
Swapnil Karhade | … | line producer |
Bhushan Kumar | … | producer |
Bis Oseni | … | Associate Line Producer |
Amita Phatak | … | Production Manager: song |
Aanand L. Rai | … | producer |
Ashish Tandel | … | executive producer |
Music by
Tanishk Bagchi | ||
Parag Chhabra | ||
Faridkot | ||
Rajarshi Sanyal |
Cinematography by
Kaushal Shah | … | director of photography |
Editing by
Ninad Khanolkar |